資料彙整   /  理論家  /  Stuart  Hall  史都華.霍爾  /  作品
Encoding, Decoding
理論家 Theorists  /  Stuart  Hall  史都華.霍爾

Stuart Hall "Encoding/Decoding"

encoding and decoding in popular culture:

programme as 
meaningful discourse
meaning structure 1
meaning structure 2
frameworks of 
frameworks of 
relations of production
relations of production
technical infrastructure
technical infrastructure



'"meaning structure 1" and "meaning structure 2" may not be the same.  ...The codes of encoding and decoding may not be perfectly the symmetrical.  The degrees of symmetry--that is, the degrees of 'understanding' and 'misunderstanding' in the communicative exchange--depend on the degrees of symmetry/asymmetry established  between the positions of the ...encoder-producer and decoder-receiver.'  (S. Hall "encoding, decoding")

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