The Mother/Daughter Plot: Narrative, Psychoanalysis, Feminism
理論家 Theorists /  Marianne Hirsch
Central Issues and
Questions for Discussion
1) How would you define Hirsch's methodologies?
-- treating both theories and novels as narrative plots;
2) Do you find any exceptions to the ways she describes the Victorian
Female Family Romance and the Modernist Female Artists' Plots?
-- Some of their general analysis (e.g. the impossibility of mother and
daughter to be mature women of sexuality at the same time, there being
only contradictory plots of oscillation in the Modernist period) are
sweeping generalizations.
* We need to be aware, however, that in a way, theories are allegories,
or metaphoric descriptions of reality--and this is especially true to
some early American feminists (who talked about women with metaphors
such as Madwoman and Female Eunuch) , and Freudian psychoanalysis
(which is organized around some central narratives).