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Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
藝術家 arts  /  Pieter the Elder  Bruegel  彼得 布魯格爾
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
作品出處:Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
資料提供者:Buck Lee; image credit - wikipedia
AboutLandscape with the Fall of Icarus

The story of Daedalus and Icarus in the Greek Mythology
What Bruegel depicted are fisherman, ploughman, and shepherd working dilligently and not noticing
the scene that Icarus was just dropping from the sky and drowning in front of the fisherman.
It is said Landscape with the Fall of Icarus is Bruegel`s only work on Greek mythology.
This painting represents the moral lesson which the story of Icarus`s fate is to be doomed for going
beyond his own depth.

The Ekphrastic reading of Landscape with teh Fall of Icarus
1. W.H.Auden`s "Musee des Beaux Arts"
2. William Carlos William`sLandscape withe the Fall of Icarus

Close reading the following parts of this painting.

Detail of Landscape of the Fall of Icarus

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