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The Peasant Dance
藝術家 arts  /  Pieter the Elder  Bruegel  彼得 布魯格爾
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
作品出處:Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna
資料提供者:Buck Lee; image credit - www.artchive.com

The Peasant Dance (aka. Boerenkermis Peasant Fair) probably 1567
114 x 164 cm Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Vien), Austria

AboutThe Peasant Dance:
1.the later work of Brueghel
2.this work is associated with The Peasant Wedding
3. the depiction of peasant life /feast (cf. topics of court and divine in the painting)
4. the human "physiognomy" in the painting
5. William Carlos William wrote "The Dance" for this painting.

1. Please look at following parts of The Peasant Dance. Talk about their facial expression.

2. Please consult Brueghel`s The Peasant Wedding and The Wedding Dance. Talk about the image of peasant life in his later works.

Further reading: William Carlos William`s "The Dance"

W.H.Auden`s Musee des Beaux Arts

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