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藝術家 arts  /  Jimmie  Durham  
所屬類型:Plastic art
作品出處:Cahan, Susan and Zoya Kocur eds. Contemporary Art and Multimedia Education. NY: Routledge, 1996.
資料提供者:Kate Liu/劉紀雯; image credit - hermes.hrc.ntu.edu.tw
Self Portrait, a flayed, full body nude, a red "skin," a hide or hiding -- is a bitter and witty icon displayed o n the wall.? As though illustrating?the dilemma of the `invented Indians," the self-portrait is all surface.?Durham, who has proudly called himself a "double Red," has branded a red star on his forehead, imprinted his chest and thighs with fish and his ankle with fern.?He has? sea shells for ears, bits of animal hide hair; one turquoise eye is just to show a little "Indianness," and the feathers revealed by an open chest cavity imply a certain "light-heartedness."?"I have 12 hobbies!?? 11 house plants!?People like my poems," are among the "captions" mapping such landmarks as an appendix scar, and defiantly "large and colorful" genitals.?(Cahan 64)
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