資料彙整   /   藝術家  /  Ken  Chu    /  作品
I Need Some More Hair Products
藝術家 arts  /  Ken  Chu  
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
作品出處:Cahan, Susan and Zoya Kocur eds. Contemporary Art and Multimedia Education. NY: Routledge, 1996.
資料提供者:Kate Liu/劉紀雯
For Chu, I Need some More Hair Products (1988)?revives memories of summers as a teenager on the West Coast.?Lightly mocking a teenage longing, Chu portrays himself grooming before a mirror while perceiving himself as part of the American mainstream.?His reflection is of an Asian man while in his mind he visualizes being blond and "white."?The dual images present a conflict between who he sees and?how he perceives himself.?By surrounding this image swith signs of the "good life" and pairing Asian and Western symbols.... Chu both suggests the succesfful adaptation of many Asians to American culture and tehir simultaneous inability to transcend the ultimate barrier to complete acceptance-- not being Caucasian.? (Cahan , 62)
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