資料彙整   /   藝術家  /  Diego  Velazquez    /  作品
Las Meninas
藝術家 arts  /  Diego  Velazquez  
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
作品出處:Velaquez: Painter and Coutier. New Haven: Yale UP, 1986.
資料提供者:Kate Liu/劉紀雯; image credit - cbcs.km.nccu.edu.tw

Las Meninas

Brown, Jonathan.  Velaquez: Painter and Coutier.  New Haven: Yale UP, 1986.

"Recent studies of Las Meninas, inspired by the ideas of Michel Foucault, have paid considerable attention to the seemingly novel relationship between the scene on the canvas and  the spectator.  These ideas tacitly assume that the picture was meant to be seen by the public-at-large., as if it were hanging in an important museum, as it is today.  ...However. the original placement indicates that this is not the case.  In 1666, the year after the death of Philip IV, Las Meninas was inventoried in a room known as ...the office in the summer quarters, ...a room destined for the personal use of the king." (Brown 259).

p. 258
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the royal family 
Brown. p. 257
the painter 
Brown. p. 257

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