資料彙整   /   藝術家  /  Frida  Kahlo  芙列達•卡蘿  /  作品
My Birth or Birth
藝術家 arts  /  Frida  Kahlo  芙列達•卡蘿
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
作品出處:Andrea Kettenmann. Frida Kahlo. Koln: Benedikt Taschen, 1993.
資料提供者:Kate Liu/劉紀雯; picture credit - manduh.jasonspadaro.com

"Encouraged by Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo decided to document the major events fo her life in a series of paintings.?This first picture shows the artist`s view of her own birth.?It also points, however, to the miscarriage which she has suffered shortly before.?the head of the mother is covered by a sheet--a reference to the death of her own mother while she was working on the picture."

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