資料彙整   /   藝術家  /  Childe  Hassam    /  作品
Surf- Isles of Shoals 1913
藝術家 arts  /  Childe  Hassam  
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
資料提供者:Metropolitan Museum (New York)
Surf- Isles of Shoals 19133

Surf, Isles of Shoals 1913 Childe Hassam (1859–1935)
Oil on canvas; 28 1/4 x 35 1/4 in. (89.5 x 71.8 cm)

Hassam`s summer sojourns on the Isles of Shoals, ten miles east of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, were among the most fruitful of his long career, inspiring almost ten percent of his works. This painting in oil on canvas is a particularly fine example. It presents a broad view of a tidal pool—rendered with great chromatic variety and inventiveness—embraced by rocks and punctuated by spray; distant islands appear on the horizon.

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