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Arrangement in Flesh Colour and Black: Portrait of Theodore Duret
藝術家 arts  /  James Abbott McNeill  Whistler  
所屬類型:Painting 繪畫
資料提供者:Metropolitan Museum (New York)
Arrangement in Flesh Colour and Black: Portrait of Theodore Duret

Arrangement in Flesh Colour and Black: Portrait of Theodore Duret 1883
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)
Oil on canvas; 76 1/8 x 35 3/4 in. (193.4 x 90.8 cm)

Theodore Duret (1838-1927), heir to a firm of Cognac dealers, was a collector, orientalist, and art critic. An early champion of Courbet, Manet, and the Impressionists, he was introduced to Whistler by Manet. He posed for this portrait in 1883 at Whistler`s London studio at 13 Tite Street. At Duret`s request, Whistler painted him in full evening dress, but Whistler suggested that he hold a pink domino, an addition necessary to the decorative arrangement of the composition. Whistler worked on the portrait over a long period of time, even though the finished work ultimately looks like a rapid sketch. Acclaimed when exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1885, it was ranked by many as the best portrait of Duret painted by any of the great Realist artists of the period.

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