資料彙整   /  概念  /  加拿大 Canada (2) Toronto: The Meeting Place of the Cold, and the Colorful
  History of the City
  • Before the 1950''s--Toronto the Good and the Grey
  • 1950''s -- 60''s -- 現代化運動
  • 1970''s-- 多倫多於開始後現代化。在城市改革者(urban reformists)、投資者、中產階級居民以及一些邊緣團體(如藝術家、同性戀團體和華裔團體)影響下,它發展為一個多元的後現代大都會。它的後現代特色有:
    • 經濟上,去工業化,由服務業和商店取代﹔
    • 建築上,保留並維修古老建築(包括舊市街如Yonge街、華埠、羅馬式Richardsonian Romanesque建築的舊市政府及許多維多利亞式的住屋)﹔新型建築物仿古 (如許多購物中心仿傳統市場或維多利亞式建築),或與古蹟在形式和建材上銜接(如Eaton Center與Church of Holy Trinity﹔ref 97-123)﹔
    • 在人口上,大量中產階級由郊區住回市區 (或稱 gentrification)。

"As One of Canada''s largest cities, Metropolitan Toronto attracts a high proportion, 28%, of immigrants to Canada. Because of this, over the last forty years, the ethnic makeup of the Metro area has changed considerably. In 1951, 73% of people in the Metro census area traced their sole ancestry back to the British Isles. Now, only 19% of the population does so." (from The Magic Assembling) TOP

The Colorful: Caribana & The Ethnic Areas in Toronto City

    • 它有六家中文報紙,
    • 有播放36種語言的廣播台(CHIN),
    • 盛行英語和移民母語並用的雙語教育,
    • 有北美最大的加勒比海狂歡節 (Caribana)。
    • 多倫多的市區地圖也顯示了它的種族多元性︰除了殖民遺跡 (如皇后公園 Queen''s Park 及帶有「皇家」的機構名稱) 和有英國、愛爾蘭色彩的約克和白菜鎮,還有小義大利、華埠、希臘城、葡萄牙村,以及充滿各種族裔色彩的堪新頓市場 (Kensington Market,昔稱猶太市場)。而且,很多原有單一族裔特色的地區 (如小義大利) 目前已混居了多種種族。
    • 在Caulfield的訪談調查中,許多住回市區的中產階級回答者在多倫多感到了團體歸屬感 (sense of community),而他/她們所住進的是Bloor, Spadina等有許多加勒比海裔或華裔的地區。
    因此,多倫多被譽稱為北美「唯一」居住區融合(residentially integrated)的多元文化城市(Harney 133),甚至被著名的都市研究者Jane Jacobs稱為「北美最有希望、最健康的都市」(qut. in Condi 126)。

    Queen''s Park, wth the statues of  Queen Victoria and King George residing at the front.  It is said that the statue of King George was brought there from India "after the latter decided to discard all visual reminders of its colonial masters" (Arun Mukherjee qut. by Hutcheon 174)

    Caribana Parade
    Caribana (Toronto''s Toronto, 77)
    A spectacular two-week mid-summer Caribbean festival of 
    music, calypso harbor cruises, a children''s carnival, food, arts  and crafts, and a climactic 2-hour parade along Lakeshore Boulevard to the grounds of the Canadian National Exposition (CNE). It''s Toronto''s version of Mardi Gras. 
         Top reggae bands come from Jamaica, and  steel drum musicians from Trinidad. You''ve got to like people, because this wild festival draws  more than a million—especially African Canadians from Nova Scotia, African Americans from as far away as Louisiana, and West Indians from the Caribbean. Participating groups spend up to a year making elaborate parade costumes to win prizes. Two lucky contestants become queen and king
    (from Caribana)
  •  an article introducing the history of Caribana and its organizing committee, Centennial Committee
    • Ethnic Areas in Toronto City: Bloor Street, Little Italy (the once ''Little Italy'' is now an area of mainly Portugese), Chinatown, Cabbagetown, etc.   And the Cultural Mixture.
    Toronto City (from The Magic Assembling
      Ethnic Areas in Toronto: e.g. China Town
    Ethiopian culture:  Nyala Restaurant 813 Bloor St. West PHOTOGRAPHER: Dr. David Coleman, 1989; COLLECTION:  Metro Toronto Archives, Series 64, #21 New Asia Supermarket   293 Spadina Ave.
    PHOTOGRAPHER:  Vincent Pietropaolo, 1993; COLLECTION:   Metro Toronto Archives, Series 64, #30 
    What strikes you about Carlos Billiards surrounded by mostly Asian stores?
    •   Cultural Mixture: 
    A karaoke cafe that offers Italian, Spanish and Asian.  Cafe Saigon   598 College St
    PHOTOGRAPHER:  Michael McMahon, 1993 
    COLLECTION: Metro Toronto Archives, Series 64, #39

    Right: PHOTOGRAPHER: Michael McMahon, 1993; COLLECTION:  Metro Toronto Archives, Series 64, #45 from The Magical Assembling

    What does this mean that ''Italy Hair Design'' exists in a predominantly Asian community?
    Italy Hair Design   934 Gerrard St. East


    The Cold: Racism against the Caribbean immigrants as an Example

    Old City Hall Jay Kent (Toronto''s Toronto,  66)


    Bay Street和市政府一帶是決策中心﹔被其他有族裔色彩的地區包圍而不與之融合。 

    如一位葡裔的DJ所言,一個葡萄牙裔的律師必然在Dundas或Bathurst開業,而無法晉身到Bay街上(Meeting Place)。 

    至於中產階級的回流市區,也是個很值得爭議的現象。有學者認為它加深了後工業社會的階級區分; Caulfield認為它是中產階級反對郊區發展的批評行動,但他也承認一些族裔住區治安的不穩定使中產階級卻步 (如多倫多的華埠﹔ref 97-123; 218-30; ref 181-96)

     Examples of Racism against the Caribbean immigrants:
    • 支持文化帝國主義的博物館展覽 (Into the Heart of Africa,''90),
    • 長期來警察射殺無辜(''88以來已有三人喪生),
    • Maclean''s雜誌對''92年黑人暴動偏頗的報導(Jackson 181-200)。
    • 在工作收入的統計上,多倫多大部分加勒比海移民的工作階層和收入不但低於水平,而且低於他/她們的教育水準所應得待遇 (Breton 162, 165)。根據1992年「加拿大多元文化和市民調查」(Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada Study),83%在多倫多的黑人的年收入在二萬五千元加幣之下(ref 66)。
    • 在居住區域上,市民住宅處(MTHA)讓加勒比海裔聚集在特定區域,而警察人員卻有遷往全白人的郊區住宅區的趨勢,增加了市區犯罪比率以及警民衝突的可能性 (Henry 230; Jackson196)。整體而言,Cecil Foster列舉了許多多倫多的例子,證明加拿大的種族歧視日益嚴重 (Nurse 66)﹔Henry則借用Stuart Hall的理論,主張加勒比海移民在多倫多受到的是區別接受 (differential incorporation),形成內部殖民地(internal colony; ref 15-21)。 

    cold is cold is 
    cold is cold is 
    not skiing 
    or any foolhardiness in snow. 

    I give you these epigrams, Toronto, 
    these winter fragments 
    these stark white papers 
    because you mothered me 
    because you held me with the distance that i expected, 
    here, my mittens, 
    here, my frozen body, 
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

    i give you winter epigrams 
    because you are a liar, 
    there is no other season here. 

    (Dionne Brand Winter Epigrams)

     Kensington Market Christopher Sankey 
    (Toronto''s Toronto,  23)


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