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提供者:Provider: Kate Liu / 劉紀雯
Representation: Related Issue


History and Myth    
Barthes' idea of Myth in the second order of signification    
History as employment (Hayden White)
ideology --representation the imaginary relationship one has with society    
Foucault's ideas of  discourse and discursive apparatus
Subjectivity and Body    
Lacan's Mirror Stage, Splitting of the Subject    
Unless otherwise noted, the following information is excerpted from "The Work of Representation."
Representation: Cultural Representations ">.  Ed. Stuart Hall.  London: Sage, 1997. Representation
  • Representation: the production and circulation of meaning through "language" as a system of representation.
  • Three approaches to language: the reflective, the intentional, the constructionist.  The following belong to the constructionist approach--
  • Two approaches to representation: the  semiotic and discursive approaches
    "the semiotic approach is concerned with the how of representation, with how language produces meaning-- ...poetics; the discursive approach is more concerned with the effects and consequences of representation--politics." (6)
Relation between representation/language and culture--shared meaning:
  • "cultural codes"--"Member of the same culture must share sets of concepts, images and ideas which enable them to think and feel about the world, and thus to interpret the world, in roughly the same way." (Hall Representation 4)
  • two systems of representation: 1. a mental system, a conceptual map, 2. a system of signs
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