Online Bibliographies for Further Studies
A. Is Taiwan a postmodern or a postcolonial society?
Is de-colonization possible?
To use 平路''s terms, is Taiwan still a living entity growing and expanding naturally, or part of the world-wide "Taiwanization"?
Why do we have to learn English? Why do we only learn British and U.S. literature (but not the other literatures written in English)? Why do we have English names?
What do you think about our 南進 policy? Our use of foreign laborers?
--differences: desubjectivization and identity politics 189, 194
M. Butterfly
〈魚骸〉故事年代——1952-1992 (Cf.1. 馬來西亞華人史 2. "Chinese in Malaysia" 3. A History of Race Relations in Malaysia, from Ethnic Chinese in Malaysia, CHINESE DIASPORA in Huaren; 4. 三三文學集團與神州詩社)
( 背景p. 222-23;230?溫瑞安的神州詩社;解嚴以來的學運幼稚?)
1. 身分認同
他的離散族裔身份——由龜到龜甲到縮頭烏龜;他對龜甲的興趣 (234; 229-30) 家鄉(大馬的僑生)vs.家、古老中國為研究對象,最遠到香港(224-25);自保(227); 其他族裔身份——老一輩的學者 (228)、大哥和「長白山」
2. 龜骨和骸骨——引文的意義;p. 226「殺龜得版,哪還能還原?」
3. 種族/國族衝突——新村、馬共、中文字(223-24)
4. 身份衝突與性慾 (p. 236)
議題:身份是建構還是自然的呼喚?(篆刻 vs. 海水、夢、性慾、骨頭
- Postcolonial Identity: Can the subaltern speak? In What language(s)?
[S and B] focus their attention on the texts of the imperialist, and on the inevitable dismantling of their authority at the colonial periphery through. . . ambivalence and mimicry. Within post-colonialsim this practice thus remains deconstructive rather than positivist, and its purchase lies in the dismantling of imperial fictions and colonialist ideologies.
[Parry] . . .deconstruction''s necessary privileging of the imperial text as the object of critical attention amounts discursively to an erasure of the anti-colonialist ''antive'' voice and the limiting of the possibility of native resistance.
"White European settlers in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand faced the problem of establishing their ''indigeneity'' and distinguishing it from their continuing sense of their European inheritance. In this respect their situation differs from that of Indians or Africans whose problem was to retrieve or reconstruct their culture at the end of a period of foreign rule. The colonial settlers had to create the indigenous, to discover what they perceived to be, in Emerson''s phrase, their ''original relation with the universe''. (Ashcroft 135 )
conflict--as the backward-looking impotence of exile and the forward-looking impetus to indigeneity collide. (Ashcroft136 )
e.g. ''the difference in nature and equivalence in value'' between the New World and the Old.
- Related Issue: de-colonization, hybridity (vs. assimilation), mimicry, commercialization of ethnicity.
Ashcroft, Bill,Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin. Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. New York: Routledge, 1989.
Cohen, Robert. Global Diaspora: An Introduction. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1997.
Loomba, Ania. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. NY: Routledge, 1998.
Online Bibliographies for Further Studies
國家理論書目Theories of Nation, Nationalism and National Identity: Selected Bibliography
國家與性別書目 Nation and Gender Bibliography
後殖民文本--印度、加拿大、加勒比海地區電影和小說﹙建構中)Indian, Canadian, Caribbean Literature and Film: An Annotated Bibliography (Under Construction)