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提供者:Kate Liu / 劉紀雯


Practice 理論實踐
Texts 推薦文本與文本分析


   Class relations, economic determinism and literary mode of production
    A.. Pick up a short story or a play and study a) the differences between people from different classes and their relations; b) the role money plays in the story. Also, you can discuss how a character's life is determined by his socio-economic conditions (his class, his work, and his financial background), or how an author's work is determined by his.

   Art and ideology
    B. Study the relation between a text and a certain ideology. (The ideology can be that of the author, of a literary mode of production, of the text, and of contemporary society). Try to find out the text's "unconscious" (the unsaid) through its contradictions.

    C. Apply Jameson's model of criticism (containing three steps: immanent criticism, social discourse analysis, and Historical reading) to a text.

   capitalism and its ideologies
    D. Analyze a cultural phenomenon in Taiwan (for instance, the store names of KTV, the popularity of City Hunter, the prevalence of foreign [esp. American] restaurants, soap opera, etc.) to find out the ideology(ies) implied in this phenomenon, and/or what it says about Taiwan as a capitalist society.



    A. Capitalism and Relations of Production: a. "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
    1. What does the voice in the house represent? What class does the family belong to? What are the forces that drive the protagonist to make money?
      Elements to consider:
      class--bourgeoisie; luck 294; filthy lucre
    I. human relations dominated by the possession of material goods, and the need for more money
    mother--with no luck, hard-hearted, needs to cover up something p. 293 
    the children --feel superior 
     --feel an anxiety 
    the house--p. 293
    II. the rocking-horse--shining, modern 293, 294, 
     the search for luck 
    Bassett 296--religious; put in 150 pounds, and uncle Oscar 
    5,000 pounds for the mother, but the voices in the house went mad 301
    A. Capitalism and Relations of Production: b. The Bicycle Thief
    A. Capitalism and Relations of Production: c. Jack London's "Chicago"
    Ref. The Jack London Collection
    Lecture outline

    B. Ideology: a."The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

    B. Ideology: b. W.B. Yeats' poems
    C. Application reports:/span> 1. on Shakespeare's plays and Moll Flanders; 2. on Charles Dickens and B. Bretcht.. 



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