資料彙整   /  概念  /  心理研究主要概念:9. Practice & Issue for discussion
提供者:Kate Liu / 劉紀雯


Practice 理論實踐

Issue for Discussion 議題討論

Practice: (The list can go on and on, but let's start to collect some . . . )  

I. Psychobiography

  1. 藝術家和伊底帕斯情節 e.g. D. H. Lawrence
  1. Art and Day Dreaming (The Artists as "Possible" Cases of Analysis)

II. Theme--
1.  child psychology and parent-children relationship 

  • literature: "Araby" & "Eveline" by James Joyce; "Should Wizard Hit Mommy?"; "A Rose for Emily", Sons and Lovers
  • films:  "Oedipus Wrecks" by Woody Allan; Peter Pan, The Piano
  • arts -  paintings: Bronzino, "Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time" (or Allegory), Masaccio "Madonna and Christ"

        2.  dream-- in Wide Sargasso Sea; Spellbound; Rouseau's Dream
        3.  neurosis and psychosis--
Hitchcock's Psycho; "Tell-tale Heart" & "The Cask of Amontillado"
by Poe; Blue Velvet
        4.  journey to the unconscious: "Diving into the Wrecks" (A. Rich);
Heart of Darkness;

III. Techniques: sexual symbols--"Sick Rose"; The Rape; The Philosopher's Lamp (Margueritte);


Issues for Discussion

General Discussion for Beginners -- 
Limitations--Do you agree?

  • Oedipus Complex Theory:

    A. the total ignorance and suppression of the mother, who is accused of either promoting incestuous desire or encouraging regression.

    B. the acceptance of the father's right over the mother, and the erection of patriarchal law as a universal and normative principle that determines psycho-sexual development.

    C. the phallogocentric government of all psycho-sexual relationships excludes anything specifically feminine.

    D. its lack of cultural universality

  • In General

        A.  the cookie-cutter approach; another narrative?
        B.  the theory of Oedipus complex and penis envy--Freud's limitation or our misunderstanding?

        C.  inability to explain female sexuality--"What do women want?"

        D.  No corrective offered to the repressive system

        E.  its focus on infantile psychology.  "Between ordinary adult personality traits and infantile psychology there

             are layers upon layers of relationships, experiences, values and meanings."
        F.  its focus on characters' depth psychology, or the author's--characters may be a group of signs.


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