資料彙整   /  概念  /  心理研究主要概念:0. Pychoanalysis Major Conepts

                      Major Concepts                  

A. Three premises in Freudian psychoanalysis:

  1. most of the individual's mental processes are unconscious.
  2. all human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we would call sexuality.  The prime psychic force--libido, or sexual energy.
  3. because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses, many of our desires and memories are repressed. (from A Reader's Guide)

B.  Freud--1. Structure of the psyche--superego, ego, id, perceptual-conscious, pre-conscious, unconscious
        1.  the child's sexual development--
             a. Polymorphous sexuality, three stages, fixation,
             b. Oedipal stage--gendering process, Oedipus complex, castration  fear

        2.  dream analysis--condensation, substitution, symbolization

        3.  psychological diseases: neurosis, etc.--internal battle between ego and id, with psychological or physical abnormalities as symptoms  (or covert expressions of desire)

        4.  Literature-- Psychobiography ( 作家的心理分析)

 C.  Jung and archetypal criticism--archetype (universal symbols);
         Archetypal motif or pattern; (e.g. hero--quest, initiation, scapegoat--Oedipus and Hamlet)
         Archetype--not inherited ideas or patterns of thought, but they are predispositions to respond in similar ways to certain stimuli

 D. Frye's monomyth-- archetype as genres

 E.  Lacan--lack, mirror stage, the unconscious as structured by language

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