Ezra Pound |
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¹Ï¤ù¨Ó·½¡Ghttp://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~slatin/20c_poetry/ |
¥Dn¤åÃþ¡GPoem |
¸ê®Æ´£¨ÑªÌ¡GFr.Pierre Demer/½Í¼w¸q¯«¤÷ |
ÃöÁä¦rµü¡GModern American poetry |
Ezra Pound
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Pound the Personality
of Important Dates, Events, and Anecdotes
(Most of his critical essays on literature, art, and music are omitted)
Pound the Poet
the Personality |
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Pound led a life of such variety, which covered so many important
places and events of the twentieth century, it is impossible to
summarize his achievement in this brief space. Pound was probably the
most original poet since Walt Whitman. His intercultural epic, the
Cantos, is¡Ðlike its author¡Ða mixture of fragments of various cultures.
In the pages which follow, we have prepared a"Table of Important Dates,
Events, and Anecdotes"which divides his life into six major
chronological and geographical periods; these pages list some of the
important political, social, and literary crises that surrounded his
tormented life.
One point in
Pound's poetry, however, requires special consideration; the historical
and linguistic inaccuracy of his poetry vs. its very obvious literary
excellence. This point is particularly relevant to Pound's use of China
in his poems and requires some elaboration to avoid misunderstanding.
Having all
your facts straight is not always a high priority among authors.
Shakespeare himself made some obvious mistakes, but who would correct
those lines of lyric beauty for the sake of historical accuracy. In
Pound's case, it is difficult to know how much knowledge of China he
had before 1913. When he was given the Fenollosa manuscript in 1915, he
began a serious study of the language and culture. In this"sea of
strangeness"that was ancient china, Pound discovered the island of
Confucianism from which vantage point he re-examined all civilization.
He looked again at life through the Four Books¡]¥|®Ñ¡^and declared: "Had it not been
[for] this book, from which I draw my strength [during imprisonment], I
would have gone insane¡K.read it constantly, [for] if you have grasped
the import of this volume nothing can really hurt you, or corrupt
you-not even the America[n] civilization or uncivilization."Although
his vision of China was not through physical contact of personal
experience, but through the spectacles provided for him by Fenollosa,
etc., he communicated its essential cultural content. On the other
hand, Pound worked hard on translating from classical Chinese and found
it more challenging than Homeric Greek. As he himself said,"Looking
eastward even my own scant knowledge of ideogram has been enough to
teach me that a few hours' work on it is more enlivening, goes further
to jog a man out of fixations than a month's work on a great Greek
annotations indicate that Pound frequently "mistranslated" or
"misinterpreted" the original Chinese texts from which he was working.
Whether this was deliberate or not is not so important as the fact that
even linguistic accuracy was sacrificed to literary excellence. He does
not always follow the literal meaning of the original text if he can
achieve a literary triumph through imagery or an ironic twist. (e.g.,
see explanation of ²ß
on Canto LXXIV, line 448-452) As one critic has observed. "it is true
Pound occasionally wanders off the main road when he is side-tracked by
the pictorial effects of the ideogram and even gets lost at times but
in his quandary he finds sometimes new paths much more interesting and
scenic than the well trod."In short, Pound's knowledge of the Chinese
language was limited, in spite of his long application, but he worked
wonders within those limitations. While he may have failed in
sinological accuracy of detail and scholarly precision of expression,
Pound succeeded as the inspired master of words and rhythms. He often
hit on the exact artistic combination that is great art, and great art
is always a kind of distortion through interpretation.
of Important Dates, Events, and Anecdotes |
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Residence in U.S.A. and Travels Abroad (23 years)
Weston Loomis Pound born on October 30th in Hailey, Idaho, U.S.A.
Certainly one of the most controversial literary figures of the 20th
century, possessing an extraordinary gift for discovering geniuses and,
according to T. S. Eliot, more responsible for the 20th-century
revolution in poetry than any other individual as well as
the"invention"of Chinese poetry for our time. |
at the University of Pennsylvania where he was admitted as a special
student (aged 15) in order to study "eight or nine" languages and to
avoid "irrelevant subjects." He meets the then medical student, William
Carlos Williams, and they begin poetic experiments together. After two
years, he retransferred to Hamilton College where he received his Ph.B. |
1904 |
intimations of the Cantos. |
in Romance Languages from the University of Pennsylvania. Awarded a
Harrison Fellowship in Romanics, and travels in Europe working on Lope
de Vega. |
1907 |
lecturer in French and Spanish at Wabash college, Crawfordsville,
Indiana. Dismissed after four months for being too European and
unconventional as well as for befriending and entertaining a stranded
burlesque artiste (he kept her in his room for one night). |
1908 |
via Gibraltar, Spain and southern France to Venice, where his first
book of poems, A Lume Spento, is published at his
own expense.
II. Expatriate in England (12 years)
1908 |
proclaims his contempt for America's "booby" culture and government
and, the first of the modern American expatriates, goes to London,
where he teaches Medieval Romance Literature for a time at the Regent
Street Polytechnic. He challenged a critic of the London Times
to a duel for holding "too high an opinion of Milton." |
1909 |
of Ezra Pound; Exultations of
Ezra Pound. "Virginal." Meets the philosopher-poet, T. E. Hulme, later
killed in the First World War; the famous novelist, Ford Madox Ford;
W.B. Yeats with whom he lived for 3 years. |
1911 |
of Ezra Pound. |
Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti; Ripostes. "Portrait
d'une Femme." Pound becomes foreign poetry editor of Poetry:
A Magazine of Verse, edited by Harriet
Monroe. School of Imagism defined in Ripostes,
which contained the first so-called Imagist poems by T.E. Hulme, "H.
D." (Hilda Doolittle), and Amy Lowell. At a later date, Lowell took
over the movement because of certain poet's dissatisfaction with
Pound's despotism. |
serves as W. B. Yeats' secretary. |
1914 |
Des Imagistes: An Anthology.
'Vorticism' (the release of intellectual energy through art) published
in the Fortnightly Review. Contributes to Wyndham
Lewis' Blast (1914-15). Literary editor of the Egoist,
in which James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man is published. In April, marries an English girl, Dorothy
Shakespear. Meets T.S. Eliot. |
1915 |
on Fenollosa's MSS, from which he publishes Cathay.
Edits Catholic Anthology, which includes poems
("Prufrock"and "Portrait of a Lady") by T. S. Eliot, Begins work on
The Cantos of Ezra Pound. |
1916 |
Edits (from Ernest Fenollosa's notes) 'Noh'or Accomplishment
and Certain Noble Plays of Japan. He used to sign his
letters with a seal in the Chinese manner. |
1917 |
three Cantos published in Poetry, later
withdrawn. Collaborates with Little Review, in
which parts of James Joyce's Ulysses appear in
installments. |
1918 |
War I ends. |
1919 |
Homage to Sextus Properties. |
1920 |
Selwyn Mauberley; Umbra; Instigations
(including Ernest Fenollosa's essay, The
Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry.) |
III. Sojourn in France (15 years)
1920 |
with England, he takes up residence in Paris until 1924, where he
becomes acquainted with Gertrude Stein, Jean Cocteau, Ernest Hemingway,
("I play tennis with Hem two or three times a week," he wrote his
father, Homer), and James Joyce. Several of these celebrities he aided
with his criticism or helped to publish their controversial works. |
1912 |
Poems 1918-1921, which includes Cantos
IV. Settles in Italy (20 years)
1922 |
with Eliot and 'editing' of The Waste Land.
Essays on Ulysses. |
Draft of XVI Cantos for the Beginning of a Poem of Some Length.
Paris wore even less well than London and so Pound departed for
Mussolini's "reawakening" Italy; he settled permanently in the
Mediterranean town of Rapallo near Genoa, where his daughter Mary was
born. |
1926 |
The Collected Poems of Ezra pound; Testament of
Francois Villon, Pound's opera, for which he wrote the
libretto and the music, performed in Paris. His next child, a girl, he
named Omar Shakespear Pound; she was born in Paris on September 10th. |
1927-8 |
Edits and publishes Exile. |
1928 |
Draft of cantos XVII-XXVIII; Selected Poems of
Ezra Pound, with an introduction by T. S. Eliot; Ta
Hio ¡e¤j
¾Ç¡f, the Great Learning. |
1929 |
Depression begins (ends c. 1935) and causes worldwide financial
disaster and unemployment. |
A Draft of XXX Cantos; Imaginary
Letters. |
to Read. Lectures at the Universita Bocconi,
Milan, on Jefferson and Van Buren. |
1933 |
of Economics. Edits Active Anthology. |
1934 |
New Cantos: XXXI-XLI; ABC of Reading; Make
it New (a title from the Confucian maxim¤é¤é·s, which he had
emblazoned on a scarf he frequently wore). |
1937 |
Fifth Decade of The Cantos [XLII-LI]; Polite
Essays; Confucius Digest of the Analects. |
1938 |
America for the first time since 1910 in hopes of averting the war, but
World War II breaks out in the next year. Honorary D. Lit. conferred by
Hamilton College, despite the fact that he had described American
university presidents as "potbellied, toadying presidents of fat
beaneries." The Intellectual Autobiography of a Poet (published
in England under the title, Guide to Kulchur). |
1940 |
LII-LXXI. Begins radio addresses on a wide variety of topics
from Rome in support, he claims, of the U.S. constitution; others
called some of them Fascist propaganda. He advised America to stay out
of Europe, announcing that bankers and munitions interests were
entirely to blame for the unsettled situation. |
1941 |
December, America declares war on the Axis powers and Pound temporarily
discontinues his broadcasts. |
1942 |
father dies in Rapallo. He is refused permission to join a diplomatic
train of Americans being evacuated from Italy to Lisbon and the U.S.
Political broadcasts resumed in January, criticizing American
intervention. |
1943 |
In July, indicted in
absentia for treason by a Grand Jury in Washington, D.C. on
thirteen counts. |
1945 |
May, handed over by Italian partisans to U.S. Army authorities in
Rapallo; formally arrested in Genoa, then sent to U.S. Army
Disciplinary Training Center (D. T. C.) near Pisa, where he is confined
in a six by six and a half feet steel pen. The 60-year-old
poet-prisoner characterized this period by saying: "Birds do not sing
in cages." Later he was removed to a more humane but still crude
makeshift shelter. His lawyer, Julien Cornell, describes this solitary
confinement in a roofless barbed wire cage as follows:
was now full summer, and the Italian sun beat down on the prison yard
with unbearable intensity. A military highway ran nearby, and having no
shelter he could not escape the ceaseless noise and dust. Although all
the other prisoners were supplied with tents to keep out the heat and
glare of the sun, Pound was given no such protection, probably so that
guards could watch him at all times. Whereas other prisoners were let
out of the cages for meals and exercise, Pound was always confined.
While others were penned up in groups, he was alone in his cage. After
enduring the tropical sun all day, neither sleep nor rest came with the
night-electric lights glared into the poet's cage and burned into his
blood-shot eyes. The cage was devoid of all furniture. Pound lay on the
cement floor in his blankets, broiled by the sun and wet by the rain.
Works on
his translation of Confucius After six weeks of this barbarous
treatment he had a serious mental breakdown, characterized by
claustrophobia and hysterical panic. First draft of The
Pisan Cantos.
V. Imprisoned in America (13 years)
1945 |
November, flown to Washington, where he is reindicted for treason.
Found mentally unfit to defend himself and, at age 60, he is committed
to St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Washington, D.C.
He spent fifteen months in a large concrete dormitory without furniture
or windows, in which every second occupant was confined in a sort of
straitjacket. |
1947 |
Unwobbling Pivot¡e¤¤
±e¡f and the Great Digest of Confucius ¡e©s¤l¡f(dated D.T.C., Pisa, 5 October-5
November 1945). |
1948 |
Pisan Cantos (LXXIV-LXXXIV); The Cantos of Ezra
Pound, collected edition including The Pisan
Cantos. |
Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941 (edited by D.D. Paige). |
1951 |
Confucian Analects ¡e½×»y¡f. |
work on the Cantos. |
Translations of Ezra Pound (edited by Hugh Kenner). |
1954 |
Essays of Ezra Pound (edited with an introduction by T. S.
Eliot); The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius¡e¸Ö¸g¡f. |
1955 |
Rock Drill: 85-95 de los Cantares. |
Women of Trachis: A Version by Ezra Pound. |
VI. Return to Italy (14 years)
1958 |
April, after almost 13 years of virtual imprisonment, released by the
District Court of Washington, D.C., from St. Elizabeth's Hospital, and
all charges against him dropped largely through the intervention of
Archibald Macleish, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway and T. S. Eliot.
When asked about Frost's efforts on his behalf, Pound replied, "He
ain't been in much of a hurry." Return to Italy where he greeted
reporters in Naples with a Fascist salute. "All America,"he announced,
"is an insane asylum." |
1959 |
96-109 de los Cantares. |
Essays on the Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization (edited
by Noel Stock). |
1962 |
Love Poem of Ancient Egypt. Trans. By Pound and Noel Stock. |
1963 |
by long months of illness from a circulatory disease, he appeared
introspective and unsure of himself. He claimed he had reached 'the age
of doubt' and that perhaps his whole life had been wrong. "I have erred
always . . . and spoiled whatever came in contact with me," he said in
an interview. "I know now that I no longer know anything. I have become
an illiterate literary man . . . I am unable to think. I am aware only
of my disconcerting uncertainty." |
1964 |
to Cummings: An Anthology of Poetry (edited by Pound and
Marcella Spann). The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1-109). |
1965 |
January, attends the funeral service of T. S. Eliot in Westminster
Cathedral and visits the widow of W. B. Yeats in Dublin. |
1967 |
with an introduction Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound. |
1969 |
and Fragments of Cantos CX to CXVII (including some
fragments for insertion in earlier Cantos). These were all apparently
written before 1962. In June, returns to U.S. on brief private visit.
Attends graduation ceremonies at Hamilton College. |
became increasingly silent and unsociable in the last years of his
life, possibly applying to himself what he said of E. E. Cummings in
1937: "a bloke who keeps silent until he has something to say." |
1972 |
kind of "lost leader," he died at the age of 87 in Venice on November
3rd. |
the Poet |
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most famous of Ezra Pound's poems¡ÐMauberley, the Cantos¡Ðare
also the most difficult to understand directly from the test itself.
The knowledge of biographical facts and sources are needed or help
greatly. Reading Mauberley and the Cantos
without such information becomes a painful plodding
through an unknown country in the middle of the night. A few facts in
Pound's life, his theory of writing, his use of sources, once known by
the reader, can transform a muddle of words into valuable insights, and
give pleasure, even fun, for Ezra Pound often mixes high seriousness
with clownishness.
few illustrations will suffice. As a translation-adaptation of Homer's
description of Odysseus' voyage to the underworld, Canto I
reads with great ease until the reader comes to "Lie quiet Divus . . ."
Knowledge of an earlier version of this canto makes things clear:
quiet Divus, plucked from a Paris stall
With a certain Cretan's 'Hymni Deorum';
The thin clear Tuscan stuff
Gives way before the florid phrase,
Take we the goddess, Venerandam
Auream coronam habentem, pulchram . . .
We learn here
that Pound found Andreas Divus' Renaissance (Latin) translation of the
Odyssey in a Paris bookstall together with the florid translation of
Homeric hymns to the gods by a certain Cretan. In his final version
Pound suppressed the information and the critical judgment on the two
translators' style in order to preserve the sweeping movement of his
cantos on Chinese history (53-71) read easily as an English
translation/summary of an 18th century French translation of the ³qŲºõ¥Ø by Mailla. The Chinese names of
persons and places are French transliterations of the Chinese
pronunciation at the time and place Mailla wrote. Similarly, the
American cantos (62-71) are often called the Adams cantos because they
are a collection of quotations from the writings of John Adams,
especially of his correspondence with Jefferson. The American cantos
follow the Chinese cantos because Mailla ended his history in the
1770's, the beginning of America as a nation.
The Pisan
cantos (74-84) are clear enough when one knows that Pound was kept
prisoner in a cage near Pisa after his capture as a traitor to America
immediately following the surrender of Italy at the end of World Was
II. The books he had with him were Legge's studies of Confucius' The
Great Digest¡e¤j
¾Ç¡fand The Unwobbling Pivot¡e¤¤±e¡f, the Bible, and a Pocket
Book of Verse.
the Ideogrammatist |
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we have seen, Pound's method was to put into verse a condensation of
history, an accumulation of facts, or what he saw as facts, which
seemed meaningful to him. What makes his histories poems and not simply
a sequence of past events, is the lack of logical connection between
his selected facts. He explained clearly his principle of selection:
"In the material sciences the observed data have no syllogistic
connection with one another. . .You don't necessarily expect the
bacilli in one test tube to "lead to" those of another by mere logical
or syllogistic line. . . The scientist now and then discovers
similarities, he discovers family groups, similar behavior . . . .I see
no reason why a similar seriousness should be alien to the critic of
letters." His method is to juxtapose facts or supposed facts as far
apart in time and space as can be a hope that some insight will be born
from this union.
method is the result of his study of Chinese characters, which he
discovered in Ernest Fenollosa's The Chinese Character as a
Medium for Poetry, which appeared in The Little
Review in 1919. Pound was fascinated by the new way of
looking at things that the observation of ideograms allowed him to
discover. In the character ·s,
for instance, he saw an axe resting against a standing tree, and from
this observation concluded how newness implied cutting down. In his
tent in Pisa, such musings may well have preserved his sanity. He
remembered the opening of the Analects¡e½×»y¡f¡G"The Master said: is it not
pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Noting
the character for perseverance, at least as interpreted by Legge, was ²ß, that is "wings," implying frequent
motion, repetition, practice, and "white", he could write the line in Canto
To study
with the white wings of time passing
not that our delight
But Pound's
study of ideograms goes deeper than these ingenuities. As he wrote in
Guide to Kulchur: "The ideogrammatic method consists of
presenting one fact and then another until at some point one gets off
the dead and desensitized surface of the reader's mind, onto a part
that will register." This explains his choice of facts in the Chinese
and American cantos, facts which, as the elements in the Chinese
characters, seem quite unconnected, but are found to have an unexpected
relationship to the close and imaginative observer. Pound's poems,
especially the cantos, are vast, complex ideograms with disparate
elements, which the reader must interpret in his own way, using his
heart, mind, and imagination. The passage quoted above from Canto
74: "To study with the white wings of time passing. . ." comes
immediately after the description of his surroundings in the Detention
Camp near Pisa where he experiences the great night of the soul:
animae magna from the tent under Taishan
amid what was termed the a.h. of the army.
Selwyn Mauberley is no less an ideogram of disparate
elements which were linked in the poet's mind and that the reader must
put together in his own mind.
Selwyn Mauberley |
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This poem was
written in two parts. Our Study Guide annotates only the first part
made up of thirteen sections.
first question that arises is whether Mauberley and Pound are
identical. Critical interpretations vary greatly on this point. The
most sensible seems to be the one that takes Mauberley as a mask of the
minor artist of the 1910's expressing what he could expect from the
Anglo-Saxon milieu of his time.
sequence of poems opens with an "Ode" on Ezra Pound himself revealing
his character and his hopeless career as an artist who fled the
cultural waste land of America in the hope of finding a rich cultural
soil in England. He only finds another wasteland in which his poetic
ideal dies.
second poem exposes the reason why Pound almost had to fail in England
and in America¡Ðthe age demanded an art that only reflected its ugliness
and not classical beauty. The third poem treats of the same topic
contrasting the "cheap tawdriness" of these days to the beauty of
classical times. Poems IV and V show commercial tawdriness culminating
in a devastating war where young men die for a civilization that is
five poems deal with the present, that is, the 1910's. The next two
poems go back a generation earlier and show the cause of the present
tawdriness in Victorian official morality, which crushed the
pre-Raphaelite movement and the values, it represented. It also caused
the artist of the 1890's to die morally as Ezra Pound is shown to die
in Poem I. Poems VIII to XII are scenes of contemporary life
illustrating the kind of contacts left for the serious artist.
Brennbaum, the Jew, suppresses all appearances of Jewishness in himself
in order to fit in the time. Nixon sacrifices serious art for popular
success as a best seller. In Poem X the real artist is ostracized from
society and so lives alone in the countryside in great poverty, married
to an uneducated wife who does not understand what he is doing. In Poem
XI the educated woman has only acquired a tradition, which she does not
understand and is unable to help evolve. In Poem XII the artist is
reduced to begging from fashionable ladies who have no appreciation for
his art but find a sort of excitement or security in helping poor
sequence of the first part ends with an envoi, a sending away of his
book into the English public, in the form of a beautiful musical poem
gathering allusions to the best poetry of the past, the time when
England had not yet entered the period of cheap tawdriness. It ends
with the hope that someday England will become again the merry England
of old. The envoi is at the same time a farewell to England where the
speaker had come to find a living tradition and found only deadness.
whole sequence of Mauberley opens with a poem
expressing the speaker-poet's ambition in coming to England and his
failure; it ends with a farewell poem on his leaving England for other
shores, Odysseus-like, never ceasing on his quest for the living
tradition to which he belongs. Inside this framework are contained
poems describing contemporary life in England, the very scenes that
cause his disappointment and his leaving.
first poem of the sequence tells us how he came to England from a
half-savage country, attracted by the sirens, the songs he had read in
English poetry of the past, hoping to find his ideal, an and like that
of Flaubert, laboriously looking for the right word, the accurate word.
For three years he tried in spite of all odds to bring lilies out of
acorns, or force his way into Thebes against the god's will like
Capaneus, or being caught by a fishing fly like a trout. Finding a
wasteland in England, he fished, like the fisher-king, for three years,
then gave up his art, morally died in the thirtieth year of his age,
leaving no poetic monument to posterity. He had been unaware of the
march of events towards decadence, tawdriness, too much preoccupied
with ideal beauty to notice the passing of time and change.
last poem, the envoi, is written in the style of Waller, the poet who
wrote for music in the time of merry England, and gathers allusions to
the greatest English writers of the past: Waller, Chaucer, Milton,
Shakespeare, all representatives of the better tradition which he had
tried to revive.
Cantos |
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word "canto" is an Italian word meaning "song." Besides this common
meaning in Italian, it has been used since Dante to designate the major
sections of a long poem like the Divine Comedy, Orlando
Furioso, Jerusalem Delivered, Byron's Childe
Harold, etc. It is supposed to mark a rest for the singer or
reciter of a long poem and plays the role of books in Homer and the
ancient epics.
Cantos are a sort of journal in verse of the poet's
intellectual epic search for meaningful moments in the cultural past.
Pound put in verse a great deal of his readings in classical poetry,
Provencal poetry, Renaissance writings, Chinese history, Confucius,
American history, Economics, his personal tragic experience at Pisa
after World War II, and, finally, his own views of the present world.
method is ideogrammatic. He chooses from his readings or personal
experiences the telling details (a method he learned from Flaubert) and
puts them side by side as in the composition of a Chinese character,
leaving to the reader the labor of linking them into sense. He
explained himself clearly on this score: "Any fact is, in a sense,
'significant.' Any fact may be 'symptomatic,' but certain facts give
one a sudden insight into circumjacent conditions into their causes,
their effects, into sequence, and law . . .when in Burckhardt
[Renaissance historian] we come upon a passage: 'In this year the
Venetians refused to make war upon the Milanese because they felt that
any war between buyer and seller must prove profitable to neither,' we
come upon a portent, the old order changes, one conception of war and
of the State begins to decline. The Middle Ages imperceptibly give
ground to the Renaissance. A ruler owning a State and wishing to
enlarge his possessions could, under one regime, in a manner opposed to
sound economy, make war; but commercial sense is sapping this regime.
In the history of the development of civilization or of literature, we
come upon such interpreting detail. A few dozen facts of this nature
gave us intelligence of a period-a kind of intelligence not to be
gathered from a great array of facts of the other sort. These facts are
hard to find. They are swift and easy of transmission. They govern
knowledge as the switchboard governs an electric circuit." (The
New Age for Dec. 1911 p. 130). This is the exact method
Pound followed in the Chinese and American cantos. He justifies his
using the Adams-Jefferson papers in the latter by saying: "If one
wished an intimate acquaintance with the politics of England or Germany
at certain periods, would one be wiser to read a book of generalities
and then read at random through the archives, or to read through, let
us say, first the state papers of Bismarck or Gladstone? Having become
really conversant with the activities of either of these men, would not
almost any document of this period fall, if we read it, into some sort
of orderly arrangement? Would we not grasp its relation to the main
stream of events? (The New Age for Feb. 1912 p.
Cantos were begun in 1915 and were continued throughout Pound's life. Canto
I is introductory, presenting the speaker as the explorer, an Odysseus
figure, going first into the underworld to talk to the dead, and then
beginning his exploration: "so that:". The next six cantos are mainly
concerned with the ancient pagan world of Greece. Cantos 8-19 deal with
the modern world beginning with the Renaissance and ending in the hell
of contemporary time as pictured in Mauberley. In
the middle of these cantos stands Canto 13 on
Confucius as the model for moral order. Cantos 19-29 revise a great
deal of what has been seen before and are perhaps the least unified.
Cantos 30-41, on the other hand, treat of social and economic problems
with relaxation in sex through allusions to Circe and Italian love
poetry. Cantos follow on various topics up to Canto 53
where Chinese history begins and lasts until Canto
61. Cantos 62-73 pick up history where Pound left off in the Chinese
cantos and continues with American history (62-73). Cantos 74-84 are
called the Pisan cantos dealing with Pound's experience as a prisoner.
Cantos 85-95 entitled Rock-Drill appeared
together in 1956 as a sort of picture of Utopia. The last cantos
(96-109) which appeared in 1959 review history again, that of Rome,
Byzantium, East and West, with glimpses of an earthly paradise.
work, by its very nature, cannot be finished and could go on forever,
as long as new readings, new insights, new dreams fill the poet's
creative mind.
Study Guide presents Canto I in its entirety as
a remarkable introduction to a lifetime work, which, though formless in
many ways, contains insights that are worthwhile sharing with Pound.
What follows are from the first Chinese history canto (53), excerpts
from the first American canto (62), and excerpts from the first Pisan
canto (74). These seem enough to give a good idea of Pound's method and
may well lead the reader to further studies of the controversial poet.
Virginal and Portrait d'une Femme |
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two early poems by Pound show his capacity to write as he said he tried
to write in Mauberley. They show a sense of the
music of past poetry together with original imagery and rhythmic
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