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The Canterbury Tales
作者Author  /  Geoffrey  Chaucer  傑弗瑞.喬叟

Study Questions on Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

 The General Prologue

 The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale

 The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale

 The Miller's Tale

 The General Prologue


1. Describe the narrative voice of "The General Prologue."
2. How does Chaucer use physical description to show his attitude towards the characters? Give examples.
3. According to what you have read, what qualities is Chaucer intolerant of? Use specific examples.
4. What qualities does Chaucer most admire? How does he show his admiration?
5. What does Chaucer reveal about his society through his description of his pilgrims and their journey?

 The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale
  1. According to the anti-feministic theologians in the medieval church, what are the characteristics of women?
2. What metaphor does Wife of Bath use to describe the situation when man and woman are put together?
3. Why does Chaucer have such a long detailed prologue for the Wife of Bath?
4. Give a character sketch of the Wife of Bath.
5. In Wife of Bath's Tale, what is the point of telling us at the beginning of the story about the supernatural creatures and their disappearance later?
6. What do you think about Chaucer's arrangement of the change of the old wife's appearance and the happy ending?
7. What is special about the Wife of Bath's appearance and personality? Is there a connection between her personality and the story?
8. How does Chaucer use humor in the tales of the Miller and the Wife of Bath? Is there any difference in how he uses it in the two?
 The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale
  1. What are the three biblical examples that the Pardoner uses to illustrate "The luxur is in Win and dronkenesse" (l.196)?
2. What do you think of the Pardoner's tale?  Is the tale consistent to the story teller's character?
 The Miller's Tale
  1. What kind of imagery does Chaucer use to describe Alison? Is she a well-rounded character or a type? Why?
2. What are we supposed to think of the final "justice" in the end of "The Miller's Tale"?
3. What do you think about the Miller and the Miller's Tale?
4. Is there any relationship between the Miller's appearance and the content of his tale?
5. Who is the winner in "The Miller's Tale"?  Justify your answer.


English Literature I: the Medieval Period

English Literature and Culture From Medieval Period to the Eighteenth Century




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