英國文學首頁   /   The 16th Century 十六世紀  /  作家  /  Christopher  Marlowe  克利斯多弗 .馬羅  /  作品
The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
作者Author  /  Christopher  Marlowe  克利斯多弗 .馬羅

Study Questions


Provider: 劉雪珍/ Cecilia Liu

1.  What is the function of the chorus in the play?

2.  What is Faustus' family background? Why is Faustus compared to Icarus, a Greek mythological figure, in II. 21-22?

3.  Analyze the structure of the play.

4.  Point out the comic scenes in the play and explain their function.

5.  What affinities does Doctor Faustus have with Medieval drama? With tragedy?

6.  How does Faustus react when he knows his end is coming? Does he take his friends' advice to ask help from God? Why or why not?

7.  Were it possible, would you exchange your soul for things you desire most as Faustus does in the play? Explain.

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