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作者Author  /  Sir Thomas  More  湯瑪斯.摩爾爵士

Study Questions


1.       What is Raphael Hythloday's job?  Does he get along well with the local people? How can you tell?

2.       How does Raphael attack the princes and counselors? According to Raphael, what is wrong with the court?

3.       Why is the place called "Utopia"?  What does it mean?

4.       What do you think about their marriage customs?

5.       Raphael claims that abolishing money would terminate a thicket of crimes (fraud, theft, robbery, quarrels, brawls, sedition…etc.).   Do you agree?  What do you think is Thomas More suggesting?

6.       Do you like the Utopian Republic?  Would you like to live there were you given a chance?  Why or why not?

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