英國文學首頁   /   The 17th Century 十七世紀-  /  作家  /  George  Herbert  喬治.赫伯特  /  作品
Easter Wings
作者Author  /  George  Herbert  喬治.赫伯特

Study Questions

  1. This poem is a good example of a visual poem. Describe the visual pattern that the words make on the page.
  2. Is the poem more than just a picture? How does this poem also engage your mind and emotion? How does it also use sounds, such as rhyme and rhythm, to attract your ears?
  3. Herbert was an Anglican minister, and this poem presents some of his religious beliefs. He believed, for example, that sin caused the "fall" of humanity from the Garden of Eden. He also believed that Jesus Christ, when He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, redeemed people from sin and restored them to their original spiritual "wealth and store." How are these religious views about people's fall and rising again reflected in the form and content of the poem?
  4. One of the themes of this poem is human diminution and regrowth. How do the visual pattern and sounds emphasize that theme? 

from The Seventeenth Century Literature site  of  The University of Nebraska at Omaha

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