英國文學首頁   /   The 18th Century 十八世紀  /  作家  /  Jonathan  Swift  強納森.斯威夫特  /  作品
Stella's Birthday
作者Author  /  Jonathan  Swift  強納森.斯威夫特

Study Questions

  1. To know more about Stella and Swift's relationship with her, please see the notes accompanying the online text of the poem. How would you describe the tone of this poem? Is it insulting?  Playful?  Tender?  Sad? How do you think Stella feels about the speaker mentioning her size?
  2. What is the speaker's attitude toward Stella?  Though the years have made her bigger, they have also done what for her?
  3. What is the speaker's attitude toward himself at the end of the poem? Does he also make fun of himself? Explain. 
Application & Wild Association
Compare Swift's description of Stella with Byron's in "She Walks in Beauty."
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