英國文學首頁   /   Anglo-Saxon Period 古英語時期  /  作家  /    Unknown [Beowulf]  佚名 [貝爾沃夫]  /  作品
作者Author  /    Unknown [Beowulf]  佚名 [貝爾沃夫]
    • What qualities should a king possess?
    • What significance does "treasure" have to these kings and warriors?  In Beowulf's last speeches, he will again touch on the importance of treasure.   Why is treasure important?
    • What special meaning does a hall like Heorot have to them?
    • Following a feast or a happy event, the poet always foretells a disaster or a war and vice versa.   What do you think about the purpose of this arrangement?
    • Give at least two example of each synecdoche, metonymy, and litotes from the text.
    • Point out at least three kennings in the text.
    • Describe how you see the relationships between the warriors and their lord in Beowulf.
    • Give some examples of the Christian elements in Beowulf.
    • Give some examples of the pagan (non-Christian) elements in Beowulf. Which influence is stronger in Beowulf, the pagan or the Christian?
    • Describe Beowulf's character. How do you compare him with Hrothgar as the king?  How do you contrast the young and old Beowulf?
    • Does Beowulf's funeral remind you of anything at the beginning of the poem?
    • What has been your experience in reading Beow
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