英國文學首頁   /   The 19th Century 十九世紀  /  作家  /  William  Wordsworth  威廉.華滋華斯  /  作品
I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud
作者Author  /  William  Wordsworth  威廉.華滋華斯

Study Questions

  1. When the speaker, in line one, uses metaphoric language and says that he is "lonely as a cloud," what does he mean? Are clouds lonely?
  2. What are daffodils? Why do you think the poet chooses to personify them in the poem? How do the daffodils feel? Are they also lonely? Notice that in each stanza the daffodils are always joined with some other aspect of nature or the world. (In stanza one, for example, the daffodils are together with the breeze.) What are the daffodils in harmony with in the other stanzas? How many words in the poem have the same meaning as "happy"?
  3. What does the speaker come to realize in the final stanza? What does he mean by "inward eye"? Why does he often feel happy now?
  4. What does this poem suggest about the powers of nature? How does nature in this poem compare and contrast with the image of nature in Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer"?
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