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Henry V
作者Author  /  William  Shakespeare  威廉.莎士比亞

Study Questions

Henry V

  1. Most of the criticism of this play centers on whether Hal has become a good person or a bad person. Consider his unjust war on France along with his ability to save the English from a destructive civil war. Is Hal good or bad? Does he have the right to perpetrate the actions of this play? 
  2. Consider the French in this play. Are they good or bad? Weak or strong? Do they deserve what they get? 
  3. Consider Kate's English language lesson at III, iv. Why does she not just hire an interpretor? 
  4. Why does Shakespeare include the representatives of all the British Commonwealth countries--Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England--in this play? 
  5. Why does Falstaff die offstage? Why are the tavern gang still roaming around in this play? 
  6. What is the function of the Chorus in this play? Is the Chorus honest? 
  7. Shakespeare's audience would know that Hal died a few years after Agincourt and his son lost most of the French holdings. How does this knowledge affect one's perceptions of the play? 
  8. Why does Hal engage in so much playacting in this play? What is the purpose of the trick with the gloves (gages)?
  from http://www.jetlink.net/~massij/wssq/h5.html
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