英國文學首頁   /   The 19th Century 十九世紀  /  作家  /  Christina  Rossetti  克莉斯緹娜.羅塞蒂  /  作品
After Death
作者Author  /  Christina  Rossetti  克莉斯緹娜.羅塞蒂

Study Questions

Group Discussion and Journal
  1. When do you find out that the speaker is actually dead? Re-read the poem with this awareness, what do you think about the speaker's tone? If you find her calm, is it the same kind of calmness as that of Porphyria's lover?

  2. What do you think about the speaker's attitudes toward the man who cries for her?

  3. What difference does it make if the man, the intended silent listener, can hear the speaker?

Application & Wild Association
  1. How is the theme of love and death differently in "Porphyria's Lover," "My Last Duchess," and "After Death"?

  2. Compare the use of death in "After Death" with that in Emily Dickinson's "I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died."





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