英國文學首頁   /   The 19th Century 十九世紀  /  作家  /  Alfred  Tennyson  亞佛列.鄧尼生  /  作品
作者Author  /  Alfred  Tennyson  亞佛列.鄧尼生



provider: Kate Liu / 劉紀雯; Raphael Schulte / 蕭迪雷

Questions for Group Discussion and Journal
1. You, again, need to find out about the who, where, when and why of the poem. The listener of the poem, however, might be hard to identify, which makes the poem different from Browning's. Can you tell who the listeners are?

2. How does Ulysses think about his present life (ll. 1-5), his past experience (ll. 7-21), and what life should and should not be like (ll. 22-32). Why does Ulysses compare himself to "gray spirit" and "a sinking star"?

3. What does Ullysses mean when he said "He works his work, I mine." How does he distinguish his work from his son's?

4. Pay attention to a) the rhythm, b) the arrangement of explosive and mellifluous sounds in the poem.

a) What are the effects of the monosyllables in ll. 1-5 and the use of iambic pantameter (l. 5; ll. 22-25) in this stanza? How about the iambic pantameter in the last line of the poem?
5. Pay attention to the use of mellifluous consonants (e.g. "m" "n" "l" "r" "v" "f") and long vowels in the 2nd stanza (about Telemachus). Also the shifting between explosives and short vowels on the one hand and mellifluous consonants and long vowels on the other. What are the effects?
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