英國文學首頁   /   The 17th Century 十七世紀-  /  作家  /  John  Donne  約翰.唐恩  /  作品
The Flea
作者Author  /  John  Donne  約翰.唐恩

Study Questions

    1. In this poem, the speaker tries to persuade his mistress to go to bed with him and to demonstrate that the reasons for resistance are trivial. How is the flea used in his persuasion?  Describe the speaker's tone.
    2. It may help you to understand this poem to realize that during the seventeenth century it was believed that women became pregnant when the blood of the man (present in his semen) mixed with her blood during sexual intercourse. With this in mind, what do the first six lines of the second stanza mean to you?

      3.  Look up the term "conceit" in your handbook or our databank. How is the flea in this poem an example of a conceit?  Is the poet contradictory in comparing the flea first to what the lady denies him, to an impregnated being, and then to the honor which might be lost if the lady "yields" to him?.

      4. Why does the speaker say that to kill the flea would be "three sins in killing three"?

      5. In the third stanza, the woman has killed the flea. What is the speaker's response to that?

      6. What is your response to the speaker's argument in the poem?



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