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Twelfth Night
作者Author  /  William  Shakespeare  威廉.莎士比亞

Twelfth Night


Source of image with Analysis; from Shakespeare Illustrated
Walter H. Deverell. Twelfth Night, 1850.

1/1  A city in Illyria. The Duke's palace. Enter the duke, lords, Curio, and musicians; the duke  speaks of love. Valentino enters; he says that Olivia is in mourning. 

1/2  The sea-coast. Viola, the captain, and sailers enter; the captain and Viola speak, first about Sebastian, than about Illyria and  the duke. Viola plans to disguise herself as a boy and seek service with the duke.

1/3  A city in Illyria. Olivia's house. Sir Toby Belch and Maria enter; they speak; Sir Andrew 
Aguecheek enters; they all speak; Maria exits.  Sir Andrew Aguecheek says he wishes to leave, since he has no hope of winning Olivia; Sir Toby Belch persuades him to stay.

1/4  The Duke's palace. Valetine and Viola in disguise enter; they speak.  The duke, Curio, and attendants enter; the duke commissions Viola to woo Olivia for him; Viola accepts, 
although she herself has fallen in love with the duke. 

1/5  Olivia's house. Maria and the clown enter and quip; Maria exits.  Olivia and Malvolio enter; the clown amuses Olivia, but annoys Malvolio. Maria enters, announces a messenger from the duke, and exits; Malvolio exits. Sir Toby Belch enters, is reproved by Olivia, then  exits; the clown exits. Malvolio enters; he describes the messenger, then exits; Maria enters, followed by Viola. Viola wittily woos Olivia; Maria exits; Viola and Olivia speak; Viola exits. Olivia summons Malvolio, and sends him after Viola with a ring.

2/1  Illyria. The sea-coast. Antonio and Sebastian enter; Sebastian mourns the drowned Viola, then exits; Antonio follows Sebastian, despite the danger he faces in Illyria.

2/2  A city in Illyria. A street. Viola enters, followed by Malvolio; he forcibly gives  her the ring, then exits. Viola, realizing it is a love-token from Olivia,  ponders on the dangers of disguise.

2/3  Olivia's house. Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek enter; they speak drunkenly; the clown enters; he speaks and sings;  Maria enters to quiet them. Malvolio enters; he threatens the others, and in return is mocked; Malvolio blames Maria, and exits. Maria plans to trick Malvolio into believing that Olivia loves him.

2/4  The duke's palace.The duke, Viola, Curio, and others enter; they speak;  Curio exits. Viola describes her anonymous love. Curio and the clown enter; the clown sings, is paid,  and exits, followed by Curio and attendants. The duke asks Viola to win Olivia for him; Viola warns the duke that some love must remain unrequited; the duke rejects that possibility.

2/5  Olivia's garden. Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Fabian enter, anticipating Malvolio's downfall. Maria enters; she ushers the others into hiding, throws a letter on the path, and exits. Malvolio enters, fantasizing; he finds the letter, assumes it is from Olivia to himself, and exits to prepare himself for greatness. Maria enters; she says the letter will induce Malvolio to do things which Olivia detests.

3/1  Illyria. Olivia's garden. Viola and the clown enter; they speak; the clown exits. Sir Toby Bekch and Sir Aandrew Aguecheek enter; they speak to Viola; Olivia and Maria enter; Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Maria exit. Viola pleads the duke's suit, but Olivia proclaims her love for Viola; Viola swears she will never love Olivia or  any other woman.

3/2  Olivia's house. Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Fabian enter. Sir Andrew Aguecheek wants to leave, since Olivia favors Viola; instead, he is talked into challenging Viola; he exits. Sir Toby Belch and Fabian anticipate a farcical duel;  Maria enters and describes Malvolio's antics. 

3/3  A street. Sebastian and Antonio enter; Antonio explains that he is in danger; he gives Sebastian money and arranges to meet him later.

3/4  Olivia's garden. Olivia and Maria enter; they speak; Maria exits; she re-enters with Malvolio. Malvolio seems insane to Olivia.  A servant enters, announces Viola's arrival, and exits; Olivia and Maria exit; Malvolio soliloquizes on his success. Maria enters with Sir Toby Belch and Fabian; Malvolio spurns them, and exits; Sir Toby Belch and Fabian plan to have Malvolio locked up.SIR Andrew Aguecheek enters with his challenge to Viola, which Sir Toby Belch offers to deliver; Sir Andrew Aguecheek exits, followed by Sir Toby Belch, Fabian and  Maria. Olivia and Viola enter; Olivia gives Viola a miniature, then exits. Sir Toby Belch and Fabian enter and deliver Sir Andrew Aguecheek's challenge; Viola attempts to avoid the duel; Sir Toby Belch exits; Viola and Fabian speak, then they exit. Sir Toby Belch and SIR Andrew Aguecheek enter; Sir Toby Belch tells Sir Andrew Aguecheek that Viola is a superb fencer; Sir Andrew Aguecheek attempts to avoid the duel.  Fabian and Viola enter; after some urging, Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Viola timidly draw their swords.  Antonio enters; he defends Viola; Sir Toby Belch attacks Antonio; officers enter and arrest Antonio; Antonio asks Viola for his money, believing she is Sebastian;  Antonio accuses Viola of ingratitude, then exits with  officers. Viola expresses hope that Sebastian may be alive; she exits. Sir Andrew Aguecheek decides to fight Viola. 

4/1  A city in Illyria. Before Olivia's house.  The clown mistakes Sebastian for Viola, and summons him to Olivia. Sir Andrew Aguecheek enters; he strikes Senastian and  is beaten in return. Sir Toby Belch and Fabian enter; the clown exits;  Sebastian and Sir Toby Belch prepare to fight. Olivia enters; she dismisses Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Fabian, who exit; Olivia woos and wins Sebastian.

4/2  Olivia's house. Maria disguises the clown as a curate, then exits; she re-enters with Sir Toby Belch.  The fake curate catechises Malvolio, who is imprisoned within; Malvolio protests his sanity.  Sir Toby Belch tells the clown to end the charade; Sir Toby Belch and Maria exit.  The clown promises to take a letter from Malvolio to Olivia.

4/3  Olivia's garden. Sebastian soliloquizes on his good fortune. Olivia and a priest enter; she proposes to marry Sebastian at once; Sebastian agrees.

5/1  A city in Illyria. Before Olivia's house.  The clown and Fabian enter and speak; the duke, Viola, Curio, and attendants enter; the duke and the clown speak;  the clown exits.  officers enter with Antonio, whom the duke recognizes; Antonio again berates Viola.  Olivia enters, with her attendants; she spurns the duke; the duke, jealous, threatens to kill Viola; Viola, out of love for the duke, says she is willing.  An attendants exits; Olivia says that Viola is her husband; the attendants re-enters with the priest, who confirms the marriage; the duke is furious.  Sir Andrew Aguecheekenters; he says that Viola has wounded both him and Sir Toby Belch; SIR Toby Belch and the clown enter and speak; the clown, Fabian, Sir Toby Belch, and Sir Andrew Aguecheek exit. Sebastian enters; he apologizes to Olivia for injuring Sir Toby Belch; Sebastian greets Antonio with relief, and Viola with curiosity; Viola reveals her identity. Fabian and the clown enter with Malvolio's letter; Olivia orders Malvolio released; Fabian exits. The duke decides to marry Viola.   Fabian nd Malvolio enter; the practical joke is disclosed; Fabian reveals that Sir Toby Belch and Maria have been married; Malvolio exits anrgily. All exit, except the clown; he sings.  


from http://project.ee.mtu.edu/~ncbright/shake/Synopsis/Twelfth_Night

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