­^°ê¤å¾Ç­º­¶   /   The 18th Century ¤Q¤K¥@¬ö  /  §@®a  /  Jonathan  Swift  ±j¯Ç´Ë¡D´µ«Â¤Ò¯S
Jonathan  Swift
¸ê®Æ´£¨ÑªÌ¡GCecilia Liu/¼B³·¬Ã;Kate Liu/¼B¬ö¶²;Raphael Schulte/¿½²Ã¹p
Selected Poetry of Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels
An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity
The Gulliver's Travels Page (complete text and study aids)
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (Swift)
Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift
Online text by Swift in which he writes about Stella's death
Jonathan Swift's Biography
A timeline of events in the Gulliver's Travels, Swift's life, and his times.
Biographical Introduction
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